Holiday Impact Prize

OneGoal: 2023 Prize Winner

Presented by Nicholas Kristof

Join the Movement to Transform
Postsecondary Advising and Support

OneGoal has been named a winner of the Kristof Holiday Impact Prize for a second time since the initiative’s launch in 2019—this year as part of a special “Readers’ Favorite” edition. Presented by New York Times columnist and two-time Pulitzer Prize winner Nicholas Kristof the annual “holiday gift guide” column has become a tradition that raises millions for nonprofits working across the globe, and we are humbled to be recognized among these heroic organizations.

Thanks to support from our champions, OneGoal received gifts from more than 4,000 individuals and families, including many new supporters who were introduced to our work.

These gifts allow us to provide critical advising and support to over 2,000 OneGoal Fellows that will help them achieve their greatest postsecondary aspirations.

“OneGoal helps American kids in low-income communities get the education they need to transform their lives—giving them the tools and hope to get through high school and into college while working to center our schools on the needs and aspirations of our young people. They are empowering students, families, and communities across the country.”

Nicholas Kristof
Two-time Pulitzer Prize winner and New York Times columnist

2023 New York Times
Communities Fund Beneficiary

Formerly known as The Neediest Cases Fund

In addition to the Kristof Holiday Impact Prize, OneGoal has been named a 2023 beneficiary of The New York Times Communities Fund, formerly known as The Neediest Cases Fund. The New York Times Communities Fund supports local, national, and global nonprofits that help people improve their circumstances and lead more enriching lives. Thanks to generous supporters, The Fund has raised over $330 million since it was established in 1911.


Thank You

Walter Family Foundation


We are grateful for the generous matching challenge by the Walter Family Foundation, which matched all donations to OneGoal to an astounding $500,000.

“For too long, the opportunity gap in this country has increased inequality and robbed the world of the talents of many brilliant minds. The Walter Family Foundation strives to foster social justice and create opportunity by closing this gap. We are proud to partner with OneGoal and to support their important and innovative work.”

Kimbra Walter

Director of the Walter Family Foundation

An Impact that Will Last


Since receiving the Holiday Impact Prize for the first time in 2020, OneGoal has established the OneGoal Leadership Network to help school and district leaders reimagine postsecondary advising and close equity gaps for all their students. Through partnerships across the country, we’re working to transform college and career advising across entire states.

System-Level Change


OneGoal currently serves 15,000 Fellows directly through the OneGoal Program. Your support can help OneGoal reach thousands more students each year across the country. Currently, OneGoal Fellows graduate at about 1.5x the national average of students from similar backgrounds. A donation will help OneGoal strengthen its program so that OneGoal Fellows complete their postsecondary pathway at 2x the rate of their peers from similar backgrounds.

Learn More About OneGoal


Together, we can close the opportunity gap between students from low-income communities and their peers from high-income backgrounds. We work side-by-side with partner schools and districts to build their knowledge and capacity. The result is more equitable and effective support for all students.

Our unique approach, honed over 15 years, prioritizes strong human relationships. And it’s proven to deliver real student impact. 81% of OneGoal high school graduates enroll in a postsecondary institution, and 73% of those who enroll persist one year after high school. An independent study by the University of Chicago found that OneGoal students are up to 40% more likely to earn their postsecondary degrees than students from similar backgrounds.

“We need organizations like OneGoal to help young people find their way past those obstacles. In the long term, our national higher-education system clearly needs serious reform. But while we're figuring out how to accomplish those reforms, we need to do a lot more right now to help students succeed in the system as it exists today. OneGoal is one of the best models I've seen for providing that help.”

Paul Tough

Author + NYT Magazine Contributor

Give How You Prefer

OneGoal also gratefully accepts donations via check, stocks/securities transfers, and DAF. Please follow the instructions below to complete your donation.

Check Donation


Please mail your check to:

P.O. Box 734137
Chicago, IL 60673-4137
EIN: 56-2369898

Write “Kristof” on the check memo line for our records.

Stocks/Securities Transfers


OneGoal has an account set up to receive and process stock sales and transfers through William Blair & Company, LLC. Donors requesting the transfer of stock should contact your brokerage and arrange for securities to be sold/transferred to us via the account information listed below. Instructions:

  1. Please email and copy the OneGoal contact you most frequently communicate with to inform them of your stock transfer.
  1. Include the name(s) of the shares you will be gifting.
    DTC# 0226
    William Blair & Company, LLC
    F/B/O NFS Account #WER009295
    N/O OneGoal

Our contact person at William Blair, should there be any questions, can be reached here:

Ryan Villanueva, Private Wealth Management
William Blair & Company
150 N Riverside Plaza, Chicago, IL 60606
(312) 364-5149

DAF (Donor-Advised Fund)


To make a DAF (Donor-advised fund), reach out to your financial institution.

OneGoal’s Illinois tax-exempt EIN number is 56-2369898.

Tax Information


OneGoal is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All contributions are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law.

OneGoal’s Illinois tax-exempt EIN number is 56-2369898.

For information on contributions through matching gifts or in-kind donations, please contact Pamela Harris or call our main office at 773.321.2630.